
Founded in 1985 by Douglas Carrick, Carrick Design Inc. has established a reputation as one of Canada’s leading golf course architectural firms.

Doug’s passion for designing golf courses began at an early age through his immersion in the game, initially as a caddie and later as an accomplished competitive golfer. His unrelenting interest in the game also led him to gain experience in other facets of golf, including course maintenance and ultimately in golf course design.

Upon graduating in 1981 with a degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Toronto, Doug apprenticed under the guidance of the late C.E. “Robbie” Robinson, who schooled Doug in the classic design principles that were passed onto him by renowned golf course architect, Stanley Thompson.

Carrick’s first solo design, King Valley Golf Club, quickly gained recognition as one of Canada’s top ranked courses and was voted Canada’s 2nd Best New Golf Course in 1991, by Golf Digest. Designs for Greystone Golf Club and Osprey Valley Heathlands Course soon followed and demonstrated Carrick’s versatility and skill for designing high quality golf courses.

Carrick Design continues to build their reputation for designing high quality golf courses with award winning projects throughout Canada and Internationally.